Q1: What are the qualifications for prospective adoptive parents?
Q2: What choices do I have about the child I adopt?
Q3: What is the difference among closed, semi-open, and closed
adoption plans?
Q4: What services are covered in the ASCS fees that I pay?
Q5: Do I have to meet the birth parent(s)?
Q6: We have children already, can we apply?
Q: What are the qualifications for prospective adoptive
A: ASCS requires a minimum age of 25. We accept both single and married applicants.
We do not however, accept same-sex couples. If the applicants are married, there
is a two-year minimum marriage requirement. Applicants must be emotionally and
financially stable. Be free of communicable diseases, in good physical and mental
health, and have a normal life expectancy. You must have the capacity to meet
the child's physical and emotional needs throughout each developmental stage
of life.
Q: What choices do I have about the child
I adopt?
A: Birth parents are not able choose the sex of the baby, and neither are adoptive
parents. Generally, placements happen much more quickly when adoptive parents
are willing to be flexible about issues such as age, sex, and background considerations.
You are free to share with the ASCS staff what type of situations you are wish
to be considered for, such as multiple births, or those with special needs.
Q: What is the difference among closed,
semi-open, and closed adoption plans?
A: These 3 types of adoption plans offer some unique differences. Click
here to see a full description and comparison of each type.
Q: What services are covered in the ASCS fees that
I pay?
A: ASCS fees covers administrative costs, professional staff time, adoption
educational programs for prospective adoptive parents and birth parents, preparation
of interstate compact documents, and post adoption support services. Also covered
is our extensive outreach program to educate birth parents about their choices
available in an adoption plan.
ASCS fees also cover home studies, legal costs for finalization of the adoption,
counseling costs, advertising, maternity related expenses for birth parents,
staff travel and associated expenses, overnight courier service, faxes, long
distance charges, legal costs for termination of parental rights and other miscellaneous
Q: Do I have to meet the birth parent(s)?
A: No. You have the freedom to participate in adoption plan that you feel comfortable
with. Should you decide on a semi-open or closed adoption, you will only be
presented to birth parent(s) who desire the same type of agreement. While all
adoptions share some similarities, none are exactly the same. It is the desire
of the ASCS staff to have all parties involved feel they are receiving services
that are tailored to their specific needs.
Q: We have children already, can we apply?
A: Yes! ASCS encourages anyone who wishes to open their hearts and homes to
adoption to apply. Previous children may be through birth or through previous
adoptions. It’s important to know the choice of the adoptive family will
be made by the birth parents in domestic private adoptions when possible, who
may want their child to be an only or the youngest child.